29 October, 2008

November 4th

For the many of you who asked if I would be able to vote before I left: It is done. And for Samantha who asked me multiple times if I would be able to vote before I left with a very distinct note of panic in her voice: Yes Sam, I voted, but only once.

I arrive in Uberlingen on November 4th. Most of you will be waking up when I step off the train into what I have been assured is a very adorable German town. It won't be until the 5th that I'll even hear how the election has gone, and that's assuming that we can count this year.

2 days left


Anonymous said...

I looked at Uberlingen on Google Earth...zowie, a beautiful village sitting on the northern bank of a very large lake! What a beautiful place. Be sure to put your address out so we can both send you wonderful gifts from the motherland and take a look at your house on Google Earth!
Here's hoping that there is a definite decision made in the US before you get off that train.
Be good and not bad!

Anonymous said...

I wish you all the best for your trip. I am so jealous that you'l be in Germany. Even though it is the opposite of where I grew up. Bodensee, doesn't get much more south in Germany. You'll have ample opportunities to cross several borders. Insel Mainau should be first or secod on your site seeing list. It is gorgeous, especially when the roses bloom in the summer. And don't forget about the beautiful garden and castle in Schwenningen. If you need more tipps just email me ;-)
Have fun and when you're back we shoud practice your awesome German :)

The Old Man said...

Do we need to have some ground rules for posting? I just realized that anyone could read these. I best be careful. :)
Job well done, now go read a good book.

Anonymous said...

I realized this morning at 8AM that you were either on an airplane or already there. Yowza! I hope the trip went well and that you are feeling mentally and physically strong. Can't wait to follow the adventure via this blog!
Lots of love, Liesl

Anonymous said...

