06 April, 2009

Forget Spring

I sat outside for two hours Sunday, after posting my "Spring is on the way" pictures. We had about a day of Spring, and suddenly now its Summer.

Small Shloss on the top of the hill.

An apple Orchard. Can't wait to see it in bloom.

There's that horse cart again...
I've seen it at least 5 times this weekend.

Do you see the light and dark contrast on my face?
That's what what they call "Sonnen" here.

Yup! That's a Zepplin. They were invented by the lake. You can go on tours here!!!

Tourists! (Its like taking a picture of yourself in the mirror)

I couldn't believe it, they were playing Ultimate.

Mini-Minature Golf

Claudia and Alex

Claudia and Me

We were warming up for Paris.

A Swan


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