Yet there are a few spring changes that are new this year.
I didn't expect to see a truck driving palm trees through town.
We've been having our coffee outside these days...
At work and on the weekends
The view out of our office window is perking up a bit with flowers
But we are also keeping the shades down to cut down on the glare from the morning sun
In addition to coffee breaks, now wine and beer "breaks" are by the lake as well.
Sail boats are starting to dot the lake.
Each Saturday there are more carts and stands at the farmers market.
My morning routine now includes remembering where my keys and sunglasses are instead of trying to keep track of my keys, gloves, hat, scarf, and chap stick.
My American colleague, Laura, remembered hers on this sunny walk. We go for walks all the time here, as do the locals.
Every house and garden is perking up just a bit with more color than the week before.
There is also the occasional scent of nearby farms. (I find myself thinking fondly of Arlie road and Tillamook.)
Easter decorations are scattered across yards on the verge of leafing out.
The lake is suddenly much more attractive. It's finally warm enough to venture to the water's edge without an extremely chilling wind.
I realized the other day that I hadn't actually touched the water yet. I think it’s just a bit warmer than the Pacific, but only just a bit.
Caravaning is a popular past time here. And with the long Easter holiday coming up, they were out in full force.
I get the feeling that living in Uberlingen in the summer will be completely different from my quiet winter experience.
Already the tourist crowds are picking up, and this weekend, a carriage "Kulture" tour was working its way through Uberlingen at least twice a day. This is the view from my apartment window.
There have been more cyclists wearing helmets too, I am assuming these are tourists. Before, people riding to work wore their work clothes and didn't bother with helmets much. Those wearing helmets were also decked out in fancy professional bike gear. Now there is a whole new bike crowd, casually dressed, moving slowly in groups of two or more and all wearing helmets. Many accessorize with fanny packs as well. (This may have been what tipped me off.)
The local businesses are sprucing everything up. Here some boat signs are getting a fresh coat of paint.
Next weekend I will be in Paris. I can hardly believe it. I promise I will take lots of pictures and post an extensive blog describing my adventures, but only on the condition that I get a few personal e-mails in return. I know there are a whole slew of you who are keeping tabs on my "adventures" but I haven't heard about any of yours for months. Sarah, I want wedding updates! Liesl, I want baby updates! Jen, I need some gossip! And family, well, know that I miss you all and that I will be thinking of you while I am at Easter Mass in the Notre Dame Cathedral, not to rub it in or anything. Hee!
1 comment:
ha! it's funny that i am in charge of gossip. personal email on the way.
glad your back to blogging regularly!
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