05 June, 2009

The Hills Are Alive With the Sounds of Cow Bells

I had a fantastic weekend hiking in the Alps a week ago. It was better then I could have imagined. A few photos are included here as short cut through the 300 I took. But I if you follow the link at the bottom you should find some video as well. I can't begin to describe how cool it was to be in the middle of the Alps hearing nothing but a little wind and the echo of cow bells.

We started in Appenzell Switzerland.

Once we started on the hike my references to The Sound of Music went completely unappreciated.

This is the creek where I lost my sunglasses... You can see I still have them here, but when I stood up... lost forever in waist deep glacial water. I bought them for cheap at H&M in Paris. I'll buy some more next week in Berlin.

For more photos see:



Unknown said...

The most beautiful place I have ever seen is the French Alps covered in snow... and for the Sound of Music, I am already teaching Joseph "Do, a dear." it's a shame I can't carry a tune, so Taylor will have to rectify that later ...

Unknown said...

ha. a deer.